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Le ministre des Affaires étrangères Tobias Billström a prononcé le 15 février 2023 la déclaration annuelle de politique étrangère du gouvernement à l'occasion du débat parlementaire sur la politique étrangère.
Telephone number
+90 546 242 42 77
Phone hours: 10.00-15.00 - Monday to Friday
The Honorary Consulate receives visitors only by appointment. Please call in advance or send an email regarding your inquiries.
On public holidays the Honorary Consulate might be closed. Please phone and check.
Languages: Turkish, English
Honorary Consul
Başak Akıncı
Telephone number:
+90-242-522-36-34 )
E-mail address:
Phone hours: 10.00-15.00 - Monday to Friday
The Honorary Consulate receives visitors only by appointment. Please call in advance or send an email regarding your inquiries.
On public holidays the Honorary Consulate might be closed. Please phone and check.
Languages: Turkish and English
Honorary Consul
Hilmi Tokus
Telephone number
+90-324-238 01 26-29 )
Fax number
+90-324-231 78 92
Phone hours: Monday to Friday 09.30-12-30.
The Honorary Consulate receives visitors only by appointment. Please call in advance or send an email regarding your inquiries.
The Honorary Consulate is usually closed on public holidays. Please phone and check.
Languages: Turkish, English and French
Honorary Consul
Mişel Şaşati
The Honorary Consulate in Izmir does not currently provide any services. For your inquiries please reach the Consulate General in Istanbul.
Honorary Consul
Yigit Tatis
La Suède a des relations diplomatiques avec presque tous les pays du monde. Dans environ la moitié d'entre eux, la Suède a des ambassades et consulats. représentation étrangère suédoise se compose d'environ 100 ambassades et 350 honörkonsulat.