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Can money buy happiness?

Cercle Suédois, 242, rue de Rivoli, 75001 Paris 22 mars 2019, 13.00 - 14.30

Can money buy happiness? It’s a question philosophers have asked for millennia. Researchers may have found an answer to the age old question as they now measure happiness in different ways across countries. In 2018, Finland took the top spot as the happiest country in the world. But how can happiness be measured and what makes us happy? Why does the degree of happiness differ so much between countries?

SNS Paris and The Swedish Club in Paris invites you to a lunch seminar with John Magnus Roos, a researcher in the field of happiness.

John Magnus Roos is a multidisciplinary researcher in the field of consumer behavior, where he combines psychology, marketing, design and technology. He is a researcher at Physical Resource Theory at Chalmers University of Technology and the editor of the Consumption Report at Centre for Consumer Research at the School of Business, Economics and Law, University of Gothenburg.

To register for the meeting, contact: direction@cercle-suedois.com

A main course and dessert is served with drinks for 30 €.
Mingle in the bar from 12.30 and guests sit down at table at 13.00.

Senast uppdaterad 19 mars 2019, 12.17