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Ambassadör Marie Andersson de Frutos deltog i "Consultation Meeting of the National Electrification Strategy of Mozambique"

The Swedish Ambassador to Mozambique, Marie Andersson de Frutos, participated on May 2, 2018 in a meeting with several Mozambican entities to discuss the implementation of the Mozambique's electrification strategy.

The meeting was attended by Dr. Ernesto Max Tonela and Mr. Augusto Sousa, Minister and Deputy Minister of Mineral Resources and Energy, Dr Magala, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Electricidade de Moçambique (EDM), Dr Antonio Saide, President of the National Energy Fund (FUNAE), Mr. Mark Lundel, Representative of the World Bank and several representatives of the cooperation partners.

The Swedish embassy, ​​co-chair of the Energy Sector Working Group (ESWG), a role it shares with the World Bank, aims to make cooperation between the Mozambican Government and its partners more harmonized and efficient.

This is how the Swedish embassy together with the World Bank, the EU and Norway are in the final stages of preparing the Access program to directly support the electrification strategy and aims to accelerate access to electricity in Mozambique , especially in rural areas. The Swedish Embassy thus expresses once again the concern about the still low rate of access to energy in the country and to provide electricity to the 20 million Mozambicans who today do not have access to energy, a goal for us to find innovative ways of "No Leave Nobody Back "by 2030.

Sweden, as a strategic partner for the energy sector in Mozambique, sees renewable energy as a key tool to mitigate climate impacts and provides an opportunity for Mozambique to build capacity and access climate funds to accelerate access and achieve sustainable energy business.

Accordingly, the Ambassador encouraged MIREME, EDM, FUNAE and ARENE to look for opportunities and knowledge of the best practices of Swedish business models.

Senast uppdaterad 21 maj 2018, 08.12