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Ambassador Marie Andersson de Frutos participated at the 5th Girl’s National Conference on the 16th August in Maputo to discuss the end of child marriage as a step towards the inclusion of girls in the development of Mozambique.
The event was attended by Graça Machel, Governor of Maputo Province Mr. Raimundo Diomba and counted with 400 participants of which 300 were teenagers as delegates representing provinces, representatives of government institutions, development partners, private sector partners and civil society.
Sweden worked actively to create the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child which was adopted by the United Nations in 1989. The Convention on the Rights of the Child covers all human beings up to the age of 18. Since Mozambique is a signatory to this Convention, it also protects all Mozambican children, all girls have the same right as boys. Along this line of work, the Embassy actively works for the rights of girls. We also work with civil society organizations that focus on child marriages, that are reversing the situation of girls around the world and go against the intentions of the Children's Convention.
+268 2 40 46669)
Plot 111, Dzeliwe Street, Mbabane, Eswatini
8:00-17:00 mån-tor, 8:00-16:00 fre.
Svenska ambassaden i Maputo är sidoackrediterad till Eswatini. Svenska besökare i Eswatini kan vid behov kontakta konsulatet. Det går även bra att ta kontakt med svenska ambassaden i Maputo.
Anita Jones
Mobil och Whatsapp:
+261 32 69 449 06
Villa Hacienda,
Ambohijatovo- Ivandry
Antananarivo 101- Madagascar
Kontakta konsulatet för att boka tid.
Svenska ambassaden i Maputo är sidoackrediterad till Madagaskar. Svenska besökare i Madagaskar kan vid behov kontakta konsulatet. Det går även bra att ta kontakt med svenska ambassaden i Maputo.
Bertil Åkesson
Sverige har diplomatiska förbindelser med i stort sett alla stater i världen. I ungefär hälften av dessa stater har Sverige ambassader och konsulat. Sveriges utrikesrepresentation består av drygt 100 utlandsmyndigheter.
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