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Sverige stödjer Mocambique i dess arbete för förbättrad motståndskraft mot klimatförändringens effekter

Sweden is a key partner of the LoCAL program - launched yesterday by the Mozambican government to improve district resilience to climate change and increase access to funding for resilience and adaptation.

About 9 districts in the provinces of Gaza and Inhambane will be covered by the LoCAL program which has a Swedish contribution of USD 13 million for the period 2018-2023.

At the launch, the Government of Mozambique was represented by Ms Celmina da Silva, Deputy Minister of Land, Environment and Rural Development, who said that "The resources channeled through this initiative, with the valuable contribution of the Kingdom of Sweden, the Kingdom of Belgium and the UNCDF will contribute to reducing the financial shortfalls of the beneficiary districts in response to the wishes of the local populations reflected in the Development and Adaptation Plans in the face of extreme climate events.

Deputy Head of the Swedish Embassy, ​​Malin Synneborn Lundberg, said that "the efficient implementation of this second phase of the program will enable the improvement of public systems and decentralized climate financing mechanisms and ensure the integration of Local Plans of Adaptation in District Development Plans. "

About 60 guests participated, including senior staff from the Central and Provincial Government, selected District Administrators and Cooperation Partners.

Sweden has a partnership with the United Nations Capital Development Fund (UNCDF) to provide technical assistance in implementing the program to the MEF, MITADER and to the governments of Gaza and Inhambane provinces and selected vulnerable Districts.

Senast uppdaterad 29 okt. 2018, 10.06